Saturday July 23, 2011
We left Monterey Marina at 11:20am, got to the fuel dock at 11:45. Unfortunately they were just going to lunch and would not be back until 1:00pm. We finally departed from the fuel dock at 13:25 after taking on only 15 gallons of fuel.
The first part of the trip was just trying to get out of Monterey Bay. It seemed to take for ever. Finally around 5:00pm started heading down to coast. Around 7:30pm the wind died down to about 3 kts. Larry took the helm at midnight to overcast skies, no moon, no stars, no boat traffic. All I could see was the traffic headlights from HWY 1.
Sunday July 24, 2011
We arrived at our waypoint outside San Simeon about 5am heading for San Luis Obispo. Weather is still overcast, foggy, and cold. We have yet to see any sea life.
At 12;45PM we spotted a problem with the Main Sheet shackle at the traveler and had to change it out with main still up. The problem with the shackle was it came loose and bent. No problem now.
Larry getting ready to cook dinner. I got everything out to make scallop potatoes and couldn’t find the potatoes. Joel and I looked for about an hour until we finally found them. Dinner was started and the seas started to get a little lumpy. The swells were 8-10 ft. at 9-10 seconds. A very bumpy ride. Dinner was great. Mixed green salad, three bean salad, scallop potatoes, and kielbasa sausage
Joel got the whale badge. He spotted a pod of 3 whales off our port bow about 200 yards away. They were swimming in our direction until they were about 50 yards from us and then dove out of sight. This was the only picture I got. If you look in the upper right you should be able to see his dorsal fin.
We reached Pt. Aguerro around 6pm. Seas confused, not too bad. Joel is even doing a Sudoku puzzle.
Four miles from Conception and Joel decided to scare the @#%& out of us by stepping on the kill switch for the engine. everything is A-OK.
Going around Conception we experienced very confused and high seas. Some waves we were surfing down at 12 knots. For those non sailors reading this blog, 12 knots is twice the speed this boat is supposed to go.
Monday July 25,2011
3am We are now in the Santa Barbara Channel Trying not to hit any oil platforms. No traffic has been seen for hours. We seem to be the only ones out here.
9:42am we arrived at the Ventura Yacht Club. Total time at sea for this leg was 44 hours 15 minutes. We tied up at the dock and went to bed. Nap time over at 3pm.
See you at our next up date.
Joel Tuttle and Larry Zabel
s/v Entre Nous